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Much Ado About Nothing
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Joined: Oct 9th, 2005
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 Posted: Mar 31st, 2006 12:47 pm
I've often wondered about the "pulpit" as well, but figured it had something to do with employees since there was no sign enticing customers over and they never try to accost you as you pass by....:dude: ♥♥♥

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright

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 Posted: Mar 31st, 2006 12:58 pm

♥♥♥ KRIS!!!! ♥♥♥

You passed the 700 mark!!!! ♥♥♥

(Decided to bring in the band to help celebrate!!!) ♥♥♥

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright

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 Posted: Mar 31st, 2006 01:04 pm
It must be church thay have the collection plate right beside it.... Be healed at Wallie World......

Cracker Jax

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 Posted: Mar 31st, 2006 02:11 pm

LOL Mike!

 Thank you macca for defending my gambling honor!

And Congrats Kris for passing the big 7-0-0!!!

I think that's spanish for

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 Posted: Mar 31st, 2006 03:05 pm
Too funny Cracker!! Pulpit at Wally Mart will be my laugh for the day. HEE,HEE


Joined: Dec 27th, 2005
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 Posted: Mar 31st, 2006 04:44 pm

Tis the Season, well Yard Sale Season anyway.


My sister (some of you know who I am talking about) became addicted not only to gambling but to yard sales years ago.  Every Saturday we would get up before daylight and venture out with the group.  We would load up in cars and caravan from neighborhood to neighborhood to get the useless bargain of the day.  You know things like:


The hula dancer that you suction cup to your dash
A pink toilet paper cover
Junk jewelry (we always had a craft in mind)
My sister actually bought an object d’art, it was a ball of some kind that came right off of something, like it could have been part of maybe a banister, the guy was selling it as art, but you could see where it broke, well maybe it was a GWP (gift with purchase), but she still has it. And she even calls it art. 
Once a Lacka niece was doing a project on Mozart and my dad pulled a Bust of Mozart out of his car.  See where I am going with this, my family has problems.  Well I guess that was not useless, cause the Lacka niece aced that project.  I guess that teacher thought we just happened to have that bust sittin’ right up there on the baby grand. 


My sister would not let anyone ride in her van except me because she wanted to make sure that she had room for HER stuff.  We would often arrive at home around lunch time and look around to see if the neighbors were watching before unloading the car.  It became quite embarrassing the amount that we, I mean she bought. 


Our husbands knew that there was a problem, but there was nothing that they could do.  It was an addiction. She had not yet admitted that she had a problem, and you know the first step to recovery is admitting....


A few things that you need to know before the season really kicks in this year:


When you call a friend and ask if they want to go to yard sales, you do not say: Do you want to go to yard sales? You say, do you want to go sailingLOVE NOT USING QUOTES


If you drive up to the house and it looks as if it has thrown up, this is called a runner.


If you are debating on an item, for heaven’s sake pick it up before someone snatches it.  There is nothing worse than some little 80 year old 4ft nothing lady wrapping he boney little fingers around it.  Honey you will never get that VHS copy of Richard Simmons from her.  I have tried, just trust me on this one.   This is called snatching.


It is OK if you happen by a drive by, you just don’t want to be one.  You have all seen one.  It is that YS where they have 1 cardboard box, some old shoes, 1 piece of furniture, and some kind of antique piece of farm equipment that you know is going to end up as yard art at 2:00 pm.  Just why did these people get up so early?????


A Pow Wow is when all of the cars in your group stop in the middle of the road to discuss which neighborhood is next, does anyone need to go to the bathroom, or does anyone need a biscuit.  This can take place in an intersection as well.


Follow the you are going to think that this is a kids game, but it isn’t, it is only for the experienced adults.  It goes like this.


My sister saying to me....I really want that end table that costs 20.00 (the sellee cannot hear her) Conversation goes like this.....


Sister who really has a problem: hey look at this, it is really nice (love not using the marks)
Me: You really don’t need that (sellee looking at me like you old hag, you are blowing my sale)
Sister who really has a problem: But I really like it and the color would look good in the den
Me:  but where would you put the other one???
Sister who really has a problem: Well, um, I dunna know.
Me:  Do you really want to spend the afternoon moving furniture? (Sellee’s blood is boiling cause she doesn’t want to move the dang thing inside at noon)
Sister who really has a problem: Well no, I really don’t want to spend the afternoon rearranging furniture.
Going in for the kill.....(insert husband’s name here) will be ticked if you bring another piece of furniture in the house. 
Sister who really has a problem: looks at the sellee and says, will you take 10.00 for it?   The sellee says, sure cause she is thinking that she has really gotten me back, hey, I help the Sister who really has a problem load it into the van.  Yeah I have to help her rearrange furniture but she got what she wanted CHEAP!!  That is called following the leader.


Yard Sale Purse, this is much like a side purse, Kris we will talk about purses later.  You must have a YS purse to carry quarters and dollars.  Anything higher than a dollar must be carried in your pocket.  You never want the sellee to know that you have real cash. 


HOW~~ heck on wheels, not really, you know what I mean.  25 miles per hour, coming to a complete stop, taking the long way to avoid traffic EXCEPT on Saturday morning.  OMG round the corner on two wheels, and pinching pleats in the seat the rest of the time.  Better keep up, or you are gonna have to eat some serious cell minutes trying to find out where the rest of the caravan is....


YS foul your feet are not allowed to touch the pavement unless the car is in park.  If you try to exit the car before it is in park you will be penalized 30 seconds and have to let everyone in your party have a 30 second head start.  This can keep you from being the first to spot a useless item that you really do not need.  



The official language of Yard Sailing.  There was a group of people that we would see a lot that would speak Spanish when they got out of the car at the YS.  I am all about learning a foreign language and certainly do appreciate anyone who is bi lingual or even more multi lingual.  My sister and I both took French in school, but due to not wanting to miss a Saturday of Yard Sailing, we never traveled abroad, our knowledge of the language faded.  So we resorted to using Pig Latin. 


I have made a few purchases that I wish I hadn’t, like the exercise bike.  OK one of you brought to our attention that there are really only three in the world and we keep selling and buying them at yard sales.  WHO WAS THAT??  And one time I bought....well never mind I need to move on to what the sister who really has a problem bought.


This is painful, but I am going to tell you.  If I can help just one person....


So we hit this yard sale one day.  The driveway was steep and we could not determine if it was a runner or a drive by.  The sun was blaring off the driveway you could feel the heat as you neared the mailbox.  We approached the top of the driveway and, yes indeed, it did look as if the house threw up.  There were toys everywhere.  We had handfuls.  The most exciting of the lot was this duck puppet.  This is important stay with me on this one.  It was white with an orange bill and legs.  It has a sensor in it’s bill that would quack when it was exposed to light.   Cool we thought, because at that time we thought the kids needed every toy on the, market.  The quack sounded kinda like a duck, but a little like a fluffy.  (If you do not know what a fluffy is PM me and I will tell you, Steve will not let me use the f word here).


We decide to look at the clothes, and we were glad we did.  It was GAP HEAVEN.  Talk about cheap! The Sister who really has a problem has three girls.  We were thrilled.  We piled the clothes so high we could barely see to walk.  Hey they looked new, and some even, still had the tags.  We made our way over to the sellee and paid for our treasures. 


Down the steep driveway we go, we could barely see where we were going. Clothes and toys jumbled all together. We were so excited over the clothes, that we almost forgot about the duck. We notice these two older ladies coming up the driveway towards us.  Just about the time we met them in the driveway the duck quack sensor made contact with the sun.  Remember I said it sounded kinda like a quack, but a little like a fluffy.  Well the ladies could not see the duck it was hidden under the clothes. I guess the duck bill was hanging out from under a pair of capris.  The ladies stopped dead in her tracks, turned to my sister and said,

Honey, I believe you better

take yourself on home.  

This little old lady thought my sister who really had a problem, had a problem of another kind. 

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Copied with Crackah's consent.

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 Posted: Mar 31st, 2006 05:06 pm

♥♥♥ WOO WOO!!! ♥♥♥LACKA!!!♥♥♥ WELCOME BACK!!!
(I bet no one has to PM you to ask about a fluffy
Please note the no quotation marks, just for you!) ♥♥♥


A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright

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 Posted: Mar 31st, 2006 05:47 pm
QUACK..... I don't understand....QUACK, QUACK, QUACK

Kris McNeill

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 Posted: Mar 31st, 2006 06:08 pm

Come on, Let's go! :D

Kris McNeill

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 Posted: Mar 31st, 2006 06:21 pm

Lacka, you are an absolute TREASURE!!

Thanks for spinnin' us that yarn. Now let me go change my pants :shock:


Cracker Jax

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 Posted: Mar 31st, 2006 06:37 pm

"It was NOT a duck - it was a goose."

"A very authentic sounding goose too I might add."

Last edited on Mar 31st, 2006 06:40 pm by Cracker Jax

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 Posted: Mar 31st, 2006 07:08 pm

¿SO IT WENT "HONK!??!!¿"♥♥♥

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright

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 Posted: Mar 31st, 2006 07:24 pm

One of my youngest delights in calling it "cutting the cheese....." (Lacka, I bet you could've gotten by with calling it that....)♥♥♥

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright
Cracker Jax

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 Posted: Mar 31st, 2006 07:45 pm

Oh it DEFINITELY honked macca!  Still does as a matter of fact.... whenever the sun hits the toy bin.

Here's her picture.   We call her mother.

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 Posted: Mar 31st, 2006 08:20 pm

I actually think your 2000th was your response to Scott L about banana trees!!! LOL!!! PIMPLMAO!!!! (Did I say that right?)♥♥♥


A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright

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