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FatPappy Member
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Posted: Nov 17th, 2006 11:34 pm |
Good one, Crackah!
Yeah, welcome back, Salty!
Ya'll be sure to add ol' Salty to the hundreds an' thousands o' BCC recipients when you send out emails. Thousands an' millions o' BCC recipients. Trillions an' googleplexes o' BCC recipients!
Hee hee heeeee! Oh, that's good if I do say so myse'f.
____________________ How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four; calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg.
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Cracker Jax Member
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Posted: Nov 18th, 2006 12:19 am |
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Steve Adkins Member
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Posted: Nov 18th, 2006 01:27 am |
Hairbrush wrote: Shoot he is always welcomed to come here and post his thoughts and opinions.
I have personally invited Dwayne to post here on multiple occasions, and he always declined. he didn't like the "hide behind anonymous name" thing.
Interesting that Ray Riffe, Susan Bray, BJ Barnes & others didn't seem to have any problem with the anonymity, and all were treated courteously (except for one that got banned when he misbehaved). Dwayne would get the same benefit of the same rules if he were to join us.
I am very happy that even though Dwayne declines to talk to his constituents on this forum, he thoroughly and conscienciously studies the comments posted in this forum. Tells me he is very interested in what folks have to say here.
Thank You Dwayne, we're proud to have you as a regular lurker !!
PSCone Member
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Posted: Nov 18th, 2006 02:24 am |
Our family has a long proud tradition of service to this community. I would like to say it indeed saddens me to watch a few select individuals attempt to sabotage an entire community. Especially when those select individuals are able to manipulate their way to positions of influence.
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Posted: Nov 18th, 2006 02:32 am |
Welcome PSCone. I think everybody on this forum agrees with you.
Cracker Jax Member
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Posted: Nov 18th, 2006 02:35 am |
PSCone wrote: Our family has a long proud tradition of service to this community. I would like to say it indeed saddens me to watch a few select individuals attempt to sabotage an entire community. Especially when those select individuals are able to manipulate their way to positions of influence.
Welcome PSCone! Happy to have you join us!!!!!
Rhetorical question: I'm wonderin' if you're one of the DOZENS of BCC recipients? (Don't answer that! )
Cruise through any old time! Invite your friends!!!!
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SaltyDog Member
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Posted: Nov 18th, 2006 02:36 am |
Forum - a public meeting or assembly for open discussion
Come on Dwayne jump in here with us. This is an arena of ideas so lets respectfully battle it out. If you care what we post on this forum (and it seems that you do) then get in the game, participate in the forum as yourself or as an alias but be an advocate for your positions and ideas.
When you chose to run for council you became a public figure and as such you are open to scrutiny and criticism just like the council members that served before you and now serve with you.
This forum is one avenue you have to communicate with your constituents. It seems that most of the posters here oppose many of your positions so go out and recruit some of your allies to join the forum and the discussions will not be so one-sided.
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Steve Adkins Member
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Posted: Nov 18th, 2006 02:41 am |
Amen Salty Dog, well said
PSCone Member
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Posted: Nov 18th, 2006 02:42 am |
Thank you so much DoggettJA and CrackerJax for your kind words and friendly welcome. I am encouraged to see the participation and concern for the community you have demonstrated over the years. Has anyone considered starting a PAC? This is an extremely helpful tool my family has used to ensure truth and justice prevail. It could be used to "set the record straight" about the lies and deceptions certain individuals have used to gain positions of power... just a thought... Last edited on Nov 18th, 2006 02:43 am by PSCone
EditorPS Administrator
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Posted: Nov 18th, 2006 03:42 am |
First, I'd like to emphasize that Dwayne Crawford and ALL the Concerned Citizens are invited to join this forum. Healthy and respectful debate are always welcome and difference of opinions can expand our thinking IF we're not threatened by those who don't see everything exactly as we do.
I do have just one question, though. Who ARE the Concerned Citizens, other than Town Councilwoman Becky Strickland, Gail Dunham, Ginny Luckhardt (sp?), Robert and Alicia Flowers and Councilman Dwayne Crawford (but as of recently, he now claims he's no longer a Concerned Citizen, yet agrees with their no-tax position)? The Concerned Citizens say they are an organized group, as a group they have sent inflammatory and error-filled letters to my home, they are represented by a spokesperson, Gail Dunham, at town meetings, they have filed hundreds of Freedom of Information requests to the town council, and just today Councilman Crawford blind copied members of this group on an e-mail with regard to the "TO" list.
Now, I could be forgetting something, but I just don't recall any members of the Concerned Citizens group, other than those mentioned above, coming forward and identifying themselves since this group's inception. Isn't that hypocritical? Mr. Crawford has obviously gone to great lengths to try to find out, and reveal the identities of people posting on this forum, and is making a BIG DEAL out of his sleuthing skills and revelations (which, by the way, are NOT all correct -- and I would testify to that fact in a court of law). Yet other than the steering committee members, none of the CC members he copied on his email today are known to us, nor have chosen to ever identify themselves. I don't get it -- why can they act out, disrupt town business, make false accusations against good people, and yet remain anonymous while people posting on this forum are criticized for not saying who they are?
Dwayne, WHO ARE THE CONCERNED CITIZENS that you copied on your list today and why do you blind copy them versus reveal their names to everyone? I despise blind copying and I do not engage in it. It's no better than walking up to you and getting you to talk to me while I have a tape recorder in my pocket that I neglected to mention to you. When, where and how often do the Concerned Citizens meet? Is anyone allowed to attend these meetings, or only those who take a vow to secrecy and anonymity? Is the purpose to engage in productive dialogue for the betterment of the Town of Summerfield, and if so, can we come and engage in that dialogue so that we can share ideas, have healthy and productive debates, and strive to all move forward together? Last edited on Nov 18th, 2006 02:09 pm by EditorPS
Steve Adkins Member
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Posted: Nov 18th, 2006 10:50 am |
EditorPS wrote: Now, I could be forgetting something, but I just don't recall any of these dozens of people coming forward and identifying themselves since this group's inception. Isn't that hypocritical? Mr. Crawford has obviously gone to great lengths to try to find out, and reveal the identities of people posting on this forum, yet other than the steering committee members, none of the dozens of people he copied on his email today are known to us, nor have chosen to ever identify themselves. I don't get it -- why can they act out, disrupt town business, make false accusations against good people, and yet remain anonymous while people posting on this forum are criticized for not saying who they are?
Sounds like a clear cut case of double standards.
Hypocritical? - Yes........excellent description!!!
Last edited on Nov 18th, 2006 10:54 am by Steve Adkins
FatPappy Member
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Posted: Nov 18th, 2006 11:50 am |
Come on, Dwayne! Jump on in here! Nuthin' to be skeered of. Might do us all some good.
____________________ How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four; calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg.
--Abraham Lincoln
S. Smith Moderator
Posted: Nov 18th, 2006 01:21 pm |
EditorPS wrote: I do have just one question, though. Who ARE the Concerned Citizens, other than Town Councilwoman Becky Strickland, Gail Dunham, Ginny Luckhardt (sp?), Robert and Alicia Flowers and Councilman Dwayne Crawford (but as of recently, he now claims he's no longer a Concerned Citizen, yet agrees with their no-tax position)? The Concerned Citizens say they are an organized group, as a group they have sent inflammatory and error-filled letters to my home, they are represented by a spokesperson, Gail Dunham, at town meetings, they have filed hundreds of Freedom of Information requests to the town council, and just today this group of alledgedly dozens was copied on Councilman Crawford's e-mail with regard to the "TO" list.
I wanted to find out who makes the decision to send in one of those Freedom of Information requests. They clearly say on them that they are filed by Gail Dunham, representing the Concerned Citizens. Do they have a meeting and vote that it's time to send one in? Do they just talk by phone or email and get a concensus of the core members? Or does Ms. Dunham just take it upon herself?
Of course, I couldn't get the answer. But Alicia Flowers publicly stated that the town has never received any requests for information from Robert. Yet if one is being sent by the Concerned Citizens, of which he is a core member, doesn't that imply that it was done with his or at least a majority of the group's approval?
Sounds to me as if the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing....
If I were considered a key member of a group, whether it be the Concerned Citizens or the Kiwanis or the PTA board, and one person was sending out information implying that it was being done for the entire group, I'd be furious.
SaltyDog Member
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Posted: Nov 18th, 2006 02:05 pm |
In Dwayne's email he said
"P.S. This email includes dozens of BCC recipients."
Who cares who he sends it to? That statement has an immature "tattletale" quality to it. It's really hard to understand what motivates him other than an obsessive desire to know the identities of forum members.
Unconcerned Citizen, Salty Dog
Last edited on Nov 18th, 2006 02:14 pm by SaltyDog
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Skiddles Member
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Posted: Nov 18th, 2006 02:16 pm |
Good Morning All,
Wow! I decided to jump in and say to DC and to all of the Concerned Citizens; I'm here to discuss issues too... fairly and equally. It took a bit of catching up, but I believe I'm UP TO SPEED now! Presently my concerns with all of the website shenanigans are there are no checks and balances in place yet; the town can not have this happen again. Mr. Crawford has proven to me that he can not be trusted now to do the website update. This is a shame because he seems to be very knowledgeable with computers and could do a wonderful job for the town, but he has stepped over the line by creating a “new” item on the web-site housing a not so “authentic” document, (Mr. Peterson wrote: “I have a few different renditions still on my computer.”) My understanding is DC’s task was to update the current website’s information… not to add or create whatever “he” might think should be on the site. I am all for preserving as many REAL historical documents about our town as possible and I’m sure everyone on the council would agree, this is why we have a historical committee, but you can not just place a document on the web and say it should be considered an archival piece. Maybe a “mailed” flyer that was sent out to the community in 1996 would be the piece DC is looking for. However, this piece should be cared for and preserved at Town Hall along with all of the other Summerfield historical pieces.
And… If Mr. Peterson is forwarding Mr. Crawford information that is a value “historically” to our town, shouldn’t he be giving it to someone at Town Hall? Well maybe we’ll see some of these documents in Mr. Peterson’s book one day. I just hope all renditions are included and identified properly.