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macca Member
Posted: Aug 24th, 2006 03:56 am |
Cracker Jax wrote:
macca wrote: Cracker Jax wrote:
Just think macca.... You KNOW someone who knows someone who drove Sir Paul to lay with the seals!!!!! <sigh>
LACKA! May I have YOUR autograph??? ♥♥♥
Here ya go Macca.....
Lie Lip Lacka Cracker Jax wrote:
I might just make a career outta this new autographing business......
CRACKAH! You crack me up!!! ♥♥♥
____________________ A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright
macca Member
Posted: Aug 24th, 2006 03:58 am |
(Sounds like I'm accepting some kind of award, huh?
"I couldn't have done it without the help of all the little people."
Do we have Munchkins on the forum???) ♥♥♥
____________________ A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright
Cracker Jax Member
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Posted: Aug 24th, 2006 04:04 am |
macca wrote: Cracker Jax wrote:
I might just make a career outta this new autographing business......
CRACKAH! You crack me up!!! ♥♥♥
Awwww macca.... Twern't nothin'!
Now if you happen to be searchin' on Ebay and you run across some moonshine bottles don't be surprised. I put a few on there with Pappy's signature just to see what they'd go for on the streets!!!! I figured I'd make a whole lotta TeXXXas for somethin' that priceless!!!
Reckon I'm off to the Hammock for the evenin'. NITE ALL!
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macca Member
Posted: Aug 24th, 2006 04:15 am |
316 views on Aug. 23! ♥♥♥
____________________ A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright
StewartM Member
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Posted: Aug 24th, 2006 11:00 am |
Cracker Jax wrote:
Hey Mike! Guess what we had for dinner! Home Fries!!!! Yes, you can have them for dinner and yes, you can have them with Spaghetti no matter how funny the family looks at ya!
Cracker did you have some SPAM to go with that????
Good Morning
Today is Cracker Breakfast Day
On the Menu is:
2 eggs over easy
3 pieces of fried Spam
homemade biscuit
gravy to go over everything
OJ (shem needs to cut down on the java)
We do have extras on the Spam
Steve Adkins Member
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Posted: Aug 24th, 2006 11:22 am |
Lacka wrote: So when I was in PEI Canada (Not with SMS cause he would have gotten us kicked out)
SMS FINALLY gets to leave Toronto today...........Just like the song "I'm leavin' on a jet plane".
When I go thru immigration, I plan to be really ugly, so they put a note in the computer that says "don't let this guy back in".
If anybody has been up here, you might know Wendy's has linked up with an outfit called "Tim Horton's", the stores are "2 in 1". Tim Horton's is one of those things I really miss about the Detroit/Canada area. I've been making up for it while here. Great food..........sorry Mike, TH doesn't serve bacon with any meals.
Steve Adkins Member
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Posted: Aug 24th, 2006 11:25 am |
Lacka wrote: .....and the wife or x was such a ....well SMS will get me for saying that
Heck, I assumed you meant the X wife was a great person.............nothin wrong with saying that
Steve Adkins Member
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Posted: Aug 24th, 2006 11:29 am |
macca wrote: (I still think he needs to find a nice down-to-earth Southern gal! Don't tell Mr. Macca, but I could be available in a ♥beat!!!)♥♥♥
Do you have a british accent? It's a requirement, you know matey.
macca Member
Posted: Aug 24th, 2006 11:45 am |
Steve Adkins wrote:
macca wrote: (I still think he needs to find a nice down-to-earth Southern gal! Don't tell Mr. Macca, but I could be available in a ♥beat!!!)♥♥♥
Do you have a british accent? It's a requirement, you know matey.
Southern England, of course! You know, there are certain similarities in some of our Southern dialects and parts of the British Isles....
I can already say "Rally," which is what he called Raleigh ♥♥♥
____________________ A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright
Lacka Member
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Posted: Aug 24th, 2006 12:36 pm |
Cracker Jax wrote: Lacka wrote: Macca Sorry I put you in the catagory of a do nothinger........
You had better take Sweet Pea outta that category or shem's gonna be mad! I'll bet shem's out savin' Stokesdale or somethin' constructive and here you are talkin' trash about himmer!!!!! Shem needs to be up on old Battleground with her signs. I think I saw that kid she was talking about yesterday when I was coming thru there, he was going in a different direction than me and I couldn't get turned around, but I would have if I could have.
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Copied with Crackah's consent.
Lacka Member
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Posted: Aug 24th, 2006 12:41 pm |
macca wrote:
I saw them on TV during that time -- saw the video of them lying on the ice, walking among the seals, etc. He was just trying to be supportive of the woman he loved (even if she didn't deserve him!) The picture is still posted on his web site ♥♥♥ THIS IS #2,000!! -- appropriate that it is about Sir Paul♥♥♥
Gosh Macca, I went to the site. You could have given me a little warning. Just was not expecting all of that before breakfast.
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Copied with Crackah's consent.
Lacka Member
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Posted: Aug 24th, 2006 12:50 pm |
macca wrote: Cracker Jax wrote:
Just think macca.... You KNOW someone who knows someone who drove Sir Paul to lay with the seals!!!!! <sigh>
LACKA! May I have YOUR autograph??? ♥♥♥
You have an extra {someone} in there Macca. I know the someone who drove him to lay with the seals. I just cannot tell you his name because of the witness protection program. If I had thought about it while I was there I would have gotten the drivers autograph for you, the someone who drove Sir Paul to lay with the seals, ...hum .....thinking.....{lets see how that would work out, he cannot tell us his name because of the WPP, so what would his autograph look would be nothing on a blank piece of paper} Hey wait a minute Macca I did get the drivers autograph for you
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Copied with Crackah's consent.
StewartM Member
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Posted: Aug 24th, 2006 12:56 pm |
Lacka Member
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Posted: Aug 24th, 2006 01:11 pm |
Steve Adkins wrote: Lacka wrote: So when I was in PEI Canada (Not with SMS cause he would have gotten us kicked out)
SMS FINALLY gets to leave Toronto today...........Just like the song "I'm leavin' on a jet plane".
When I go thru immigration, I plan to be really ugly, so they put a note in the computer that says "don't let this guy back in". SMS don't be so mean that they lock you up and keep you there. Wait until you get across the line and turn around an yell at them once you are safe on our side.
If anybody has been up here, you might know Wendy's has linked up with an outfit called "Tim Horton's", the stores are "2 in 1". Tim Horton's is one of those things I really miss about the Detroit/Canada area. I've been making up for it while here. Great food..........sorry Mike, TH doesn't serve bacon with any meals. SMS I went to TH when I was there. Yum Yum. We went on the way to the airport, the morning that we were leaving. I think we need TH in the Carolinas....
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Copied with Crackah's consent.
FatPappy Member
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Posted: Aug 24th, 2006 01:24 pm |
Sorry I missed yer party, Macca! Congratulations!
Y'all can drool all you want over your TV stars an' yer rock stars.
Pappy'll do his droolin' over breakfast!
This coffee is sooooooo hot! That bacon is ssssssssizzlin'! An' them biscuits...oh, yeah. Come to Pappy!
Hee hee!
____________________ How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four; calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg.
--Abraham Lincoln