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Much Ado About Nothing
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Joined: Dec 27th, 2005
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 Posted: Aug 27th, 2006 12:35 am
Macca shem is always trying to sway me.  I am trying to keep my chair at the Mother of The Year Banquet.  I think it worked out well. 

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 Posted: Aug 27th, 2006 12:36 am
No she can not see between the () She can see when I am thinking {} tho.....

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 Posted: Aug 27th, 2006 12:59 am
I know Macca has been asking about the DC trip spin.  I just do not know if I am ready to tell about the Secret Service yet.  They may be watching my computer, so I have to lay low on that story for a while.  Those guys are slick.  I will get to it before long, Macca. 


I was going to tell you guys about this last week, but quite frankly I could not lift my arms to the keyboard.  You will understand in a minute.


I think, OK, I am 29 now, and I need to continue to stay adventuresome.  The neighbors are hanging out with us last Friday night.  (a week ago) and the male neighbor and my husband are playing online.  Don’t know why they cannot just be safe and go to the NWO forum or Ebay or something.  They get the bright idea that white water rafting would be fun.  They ask me what I think and I said OH YEAH THAT WOULD BE FUN {thinking, yeah right for other people}  Somehow I get myself sucked into this trip that starts at 7:00 am the next morning.  That should have been my first clue. 


We pack for the next two days and head out.  The ride to WV was not bad.  I thought we were staying in NC.  I was told at this point that they do not have category 5s in NC.  I said, “Uh OK.”  Sat back and wondered what in the world a category 5 was.  Pondered that thought for a while and then realized that most of these trips are for families and that surely if kids can do it, I can too.  Worries are over.  We get to the cabin.  It is really nice and we settle in.  We send the men to the store to get snacks and wine.  They return with snacks and a twist off bottle of wine.  Now my husband knows better……So the neighbor female and I venture out to the store to get wine.  We wind up in the opposite direction of Food Land and were able to find a nice selection of wine. 


We walked into the store and my first reaction was, we are going to see some ugly people here.  We did.  Just reporting the facts here.  Our cashier was wearing a hair net like the cafeteria lady at school.  We bought steaks, potatoes broccoli, non twist top wine and the necessities for a great meal. Go home fixed dinner and leave to hear some music at the local  bar.  There was only the one,  but the music was good. 


We notice a table of people who are having a really good time.  Well we just couldn’t stand it.  People having a better time than we were.  We mosey on over to their table and just sit right down with them.  I get up to go outside for a minute and the Lacka husband finds himself sitting there with a woman named Jill.  Jill’s husband comes up to introduce himself.  The Lacka husband turns to introduce me and I am gone.  He looks like he is picking up Jill.  Not a pretty situation.  We are having a large time.  We all become friends.  We go back to their cabin and hang out. 


At the party, I met this guy that looked just like SMS.  If he has a brother that had to be him.  His wife was not feeling well, so he went to take her home.  He comes back to the party, walks into the party that we have created and says, “has anyone seen Leslie’s credit card?”  He pulls the credit card out his back pocket and says, “there it is, well I am here now,  I might as well have a beer”  He stays with us.  There are about 25 of us here at this point.  People start getting in the hot tub and mixing more drinks.  They had been white water rafting the day before and start telling us how sore we will be,  {thinking, I am 29 and you geezers are older than me, I will be fine} They told us we would not be able to walk and that the only think that would be working on us would be our mouths.  They even said that we would not be able to raise our arms to the keyboard.  I didn’t believe them, but it was true.  We leave the party that we actually started, hit the hot tub and go to sleep.  I dream all night long about the number 5.  What in the world is a category 5???


Life is good.  We get to the training area for the WWR trip.  Our guide seems to be very organized and all about pleasing his team.  TJ was his name.  He goes over the rules and we venture up the hill to where we are going to depart.  Thought I would die just walking up the hill.  {thinking at least I will be in a boat in a little while and will not have to walk uphill any longer}  We get to the area where we are supposed to be and they tell us to get our paddles{thinking I thought the guide would paddle, well OK I can do this} they give us our personal flotation devices (which did not match my swimsuit at all) and our helmets are assigned to us.  They were yellow which also did not match my swimsuit.  Did you know that you cannot take a purse when WWR??  Standing there looking like geeksville in my personal flotation device, helmet  holding paddles, {thinking how did I get myself into this} (hoping no one has a camera) We were told to meet over on the other side of the yellow bus.  Our boat is there.  {thinking it is a long way to the river, wonder how this boat gets down there}  Soon found out.  Not only did I have to paddle, I had to carry the dang boat to the river!!!!!


Huff Puff to the river with boat in hand.  We hop in and TJ who was really nice on the bus ride up turns into a drill sergeant.   All of the sudden he is telling us that we are not doing as he tells us and that we are going to have to do better.  {thinking We paid how much to do this?  I think it was 180 for me and the Lacka hubby}  He trained us on how to do everything that we needed to do.  I got the sinking feeling.  I thought about the 5s that I have heard so much about.  We take off and are just cruising, {thinking this is cool. TJ starts telling us where to put our feet.  He says to brace your left foot under the seat in front of you.  {thinking OK that is a blown up piece of plastic it is not really even a seat and I am going to, what, brace my foot here?  Brace how?}  You have to sit on the side of the boat.  There is no seat here, you are on the side of the darn boat with your foot under the so called seat in front of you.  {thinking SMS would not be happy here there are no seat belts} I am looking everywhere for something to hold onto.  There is a strap that holds the first aid kit in the boat.  {thinking we are going to become one, me and the first aid strap} Again the sinking feeling comes over me what is a 5.   


Down the river we go.  A category 2, then a 3 a 4 is next.  TJ trains us for a bit longer then holy &(@%(&%^$ Batman it is a category 5.  Excited I brace my foot under the so called seat in front of me.  What the heck good is that going to do, we paddle in and have a blast.  It really was cool.  TJ was all about making sure we had a good time. 


We travel on down the river learning a lot from TJ.  He has now taught us how to rock and row.  Amazing how that worked.  From now on it is 3s 4s and 5s.  I did get a little nervous when we approached the 5s but the more we learned the better it got. 


We were allowed to get out of the boat from time to time.  The neighbor friend has built in personal flotation devices and was never afraid to hop off the side of the boat.  They are not fake, they actually bought them, the personal flotation devices. As for me I was a little intimidated.  Didn’t really want to go off the boat at any point in time. Well the fact that I was intimidated and the fact that TJ was really hot, that  kept me on the boat. 


It starts to rain.  It was so cold we were told to keep our personal flotation devices on because that would keep us insulated.  I was keeping mine on so that TJ wouldn’t see what I looked like in a bathing suit.  But anyway….. It was the coldest rain ever.  The river water felt like bath water.  We were shivering.  I looked over at my male neighbor friend and said. “next time you are sitting at my house on a Friday night and have a bright idea remind me not to participate.” 


It ended up being a great trip. TJ was wonderful (and hot) I learned what a category 5 is and had a great weekend with neighbors doing something I never would have tried without being pushed to do so.  I am very sore and can just now raise my arms to the keyboard, and it is the next Saturday…..    I recommend it to anyone who has never tried it, be adventuresome at 29 and have fun…….

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Cracker Jax

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 Posted: Aug 27th, 2006 01:29 am
Lacka wrote: The neighbor friend has built in personal flotation devices and was never afraid to hop off the side of the boat.  They are not fake, they actually bought them, the personal flotation devices.

If you're talkin' about what I think you're talkin' about and you're talkin' about the 'female' neighbor havin' bought and paid for P.F.D's ~~~ that cracks me up!!!!

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 Posted: Aug 27th, 2006 01:30 am
WOW, LACKA!!!! Thanks for the story! (But I am counting on that DC -- one know which one I mean:D -- story!!) You are my hero!

I have this fear of water, you see! I'm glad it all turned out well:shock:! I know what a category 5 is -- It's something you'll never catch me anywhere near!

Many moons ago, when maybe I was younger than 29 (since that's how old I am now) I went on a little trip on the Dan River. That little trip cured me! The Macca hubby and one of the little Maccas have been on WWR trips, but not this pengling!

I wouldn't mind skydiving, hang gliding or going up in a hot air balloon -- but no water sports and no snow skiing (too much work)! Although once I'm on the water I'm fine, it's just getting in and out mostly....

I guess that's kind of backwards for us penglings, huh? Being afraid of the water but not of flying!!! ♥♥♥

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright

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 Posted: Aug 27th, 2006 01:34 am
Cracker Jax wrote: Lacka wrote: The neighbor friend has built in personal flotation devices and was never afraid to hop off the side of the boat.  They are not fake, they actually bought them, the personal flotation devices.

If you're talkin' about what I think you're talkin' about and you're talkin' about the 'female' neighbor havin' bought and paid for P.F.D's ~~~ that cracks me up!!!!

Um yeah, two of them to be exact.....

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 Posted: Aug 27th, 2006 01:35 am
Cracker Jax wrote:
Lacka wrote: The neighbor friend has built in personal flotation devices and was never afraid to hop off the side of the boat.  They are not fake, they actually bought them, the personal flotation devices.

If you're talkin' about what I think you're talkin' about and you're talkin' about the 'female' neighbor havin' bought and paid for P.F.D's ~~~ that cracks me up!!!!

CRACKAH! Glad you're here! (Where ya been?) Oh, yeah -- I forgot, you can't read what's inside ( ).... Where ya been? :D

I didn't get that reference to the P.F.D.'s before.... Hee Hee!!! ♥♥♥

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright

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 Posted: Aug 27th, 2006 01:38 am
Macca, I think I am going to claim that I have the vapors next time a neighbor suggests a dumb idea.  

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Jim Flynt

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 Posted: Aug 27th, 2006 01:40 am
Cracker you boob, she's just trying to keep you abreast of the latest in PFD's.

Git your mind outta the gutter.

I Did It My Way (Frank Sinatra)

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 Posted: Aug 27th, 2006 01:43 am
macca wrote: Cracker Jax wrote:
Lacka wrote: The neighbor friend has built in personal flotation devices and was never afraid to hop off the side of the boat.  They are not fake, they actually bought them, the personal flotation devices.

If you're talkin' about what I think you're talkin' about and you're talkin' about the 'female' neighbor havin' bought and paid for P.F.D's ~~~ that cracks me up!!!!

CRACKAH! Glad you're here! (Where ya been?) Oh, yeah -- I forgot, you can't read what's inside ( ).... Where ya been? :D

I didn't get that reference to the P.F.D.'s before.... Hee Hee!!! ♥♥♥
Oh yeah Maca I could have been under water for three days and she would have been floating head up under the New River  Gorge..........with everyone watching to see the twins.  Yep that is what we call them, the twins.....SMS is so going to get us.

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Copied with Crackah's consent.

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 Posted: Aug 27th, 2006 01:45 am
But, Lacka! You admitted you had a great time! And you did something you'd never done before! And you have great stories to tell about the experience! You met some people you wouldn't have met otherwise! Maybe you should just continue to be open-minded about those crazy ideas!! (Notice I said you, not me!!!):D:D:D♥♥♥

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright

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 Posted: Aug 27th, 2006 01:46 am
Jim Flynt wrote: Cracker you boob, she's just trying to keep you abreast of the latest in PFD's.

Git your mind outta the gutter.


JF you are my new favorite person on the forum.  What a great sense of are the greatest.  Crackah has always been a little in the gutter with himers mind.....not knowing what we are going to do with himer.

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Copied with Crackah's consent.

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 Posted: Aug 27th, 2006 01:50 am
macca wrote: But, Lacka! You admitted you had a great time! And you did something you'd never done before! And you have great stories to tell about the experience! You met some people you wouldn't have met otherwise! Maybe you should just continue to be open-minded about those crazy ideas!! (Notice I said you, not me!!!):D:D:D♥♥♥ 
 But Macca those category 5s were tough.  I am pretending the entire time that I am down with the idea of conquering them, but in reality I am thinking if I do not paddle as hard as I should we will not land in the cesspool of the devil.  Working against my team a little.   (don’t tell them)

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Copied with Crackah's consent.

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 Posted: Aug 27th, 2006 01:55 am
Macca don't mention the Secret Service men that I met in DC.  I think they have tapped into my computer and well it is kinda like the guy who drove the limo (I cannot tell you his name because of the witness protection program)  I think it is better if I wait about the DC story because, well, I am scared of them more scared than I am of a 5.....The DC story is not pretty Macca...but I will get to it when I feel it is safe to tell.

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 Posted: Aug 27th, 2006 01:57 am
LACKA! Here's hoping no one gives us the heave-ho! Would hate to be thrown overboard! 'Course, if your neighbor was along we could just hang onto her!!:D ♥♥♥

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright

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