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Summerfield Town Council
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Joined: Dec 27th, 2005
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 Posted: Oct 4th, 2006 03:29 am
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Macca, She was really great, always wore a smile and was just as professional as they come.  I think she really cared about our town and the people.  She did a great job and will be missed. 

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Cracker Jax

Joined: Oct 23rd, 2005
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 Posted: Oct 4th, 2006 03:50 am
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Lacka wrote: Macca, She was really great, always wore a smile and was just as professional as they come.  I think she really cared about our town and the people.  She did a great job and will be missed. 

Yea!  And she has GREAT hair!  (Ok... that one was for Robin ;))

I am so sad to hear that Robin is leaving, but I am not at all surprised.  I don't know how she stuck it out as long as she did. 

 My hat's off to her and I wish her well.

Robin, you get on here (you can do that now...what can they do? Fire you?) and send me a PM and let the Crackah know if you need a letter of recommendation ok?? :D

Let's see.... Bill Bruce... gone   Bill Trevarrow... gone Robin Smith... gone.

Ok...Michael B.... you're the last man standing. Be strong. 

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 Posted: Oct 4th, 2006 03:53 am
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Hello, did you forget Dianne????

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Cracker Jax

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 Posted: Oct 4th, 2006 04:06 am
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OOPS! I forgot to mention that Dena Barnes is my "honorary" hero for the evening!!!

Dena stated tonight that she would hope that citizens could come forth with their opinions without fear of being ridiculed in public... (i.e. Paul Milam or anyone who has a view opposing BS)

BS then said something to the effect that she could say the same thing... I am assuming that she meant that someone has been ridiculing her?

Is that really any different than what she did to Mark, Dena, Bob, Carolyn, Jane or Mike during the days preceeding "Black Tuesday" back in November 05???

I think not.


♥♥♥ Don't worry Bill Hill! ♥♥♥

You're still my A#1 Hero!  I was sweatin' it when you went behind closed doors with that <really smarter than all of us little people> council member who was accusing our mayor of whatever it was she accused him of.

I hope everyone heard the results of that meeting. 

Mr. Hill found NO EVIDENCE of any impro... impropri... oh shoot... :? WRONG DOING on the part of Mark Brown.


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Cracker Jax

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 Posted: Oct 4th, 2006 04:07 am
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OMG!  I forgot Dianne Laughlin!!!!  That's 4! Oh my goodness!  Sorry Dianne!!!

It's the shock Lacka.... :(

Last edited on Oct 4th, 2006 04:18 am by Cracker Jax

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 Posted: Oct 4th, 2006 10:29 am
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30% return on the survey is considered excellent. The only thing I can say is that inspite of the screeching the phase two is moving on.

I did think it was interesting the group that continuely screams and screeches about how they are for the people and the people should have more say in the government were against the public hearings and more surveys on the park as required by PartF for the grant. PartF requires continual in put from the public since it is the public's money that is being used for the grant.

I also think the cc's are barking up the wrong tree taking on Mark Brown. Mark has spent his whole adult life giving to this community. He has always put this town first. To accuse him of abuse of power is just another of their delaying tactics. Keep the Town tied up in argument and make sure nothing positive is accomplished seems to be the plan.  


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 Posted: Oct 4th, 2006 10:45 am
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Cracker Jax wrote:

Dena stated tonight that she would hope that citizens could come forth with their opinions without fear of being ridiculed in public... (i.e. Paul Milam or anyone who has a view opposing BS)

You mean like Mrs. Beason was at last nights meeting?

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Cracker Jax

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 Posted: Oct 4th, 2006 11:42 am
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Ms. Beeson does a good job standing her ground while under attack.

The Park Committee is lucky to have her. So are we!

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Cracker Jax

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 Posted: Oct 4th, 2006 11:48 am
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Does anyone know what the deal is with that Newspaper that Mom was advertising for last night?  Who puts that out?

I gotta feel a little sorry for them because they've recieved the "kiss of death" in my opinion.

I PM'd Sandra and asked her but she won't wake up and answer me!!! :D

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 Posted: Oct 4th, 2006 11:48 am
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Again, I'm sorry you're having such a tough time over in S'field! Unfortunately, some folks who might have things to say aren't willing to take chances if they think they will be ridiculed, or whatever happened to your speaker last night. It's hard enough for folks to get up and talk in front of a group, but then to fear that someone will give you a hard time on top of that is just too much for some.... Maybe that's what your council members are counting on.... ♥♥♥

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright
Cracker Jax

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 Posted: Oct 4th, 2006 12:33 pm
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I'm sorry, but this just cracks me up.

So Mom was passing out these papers to a select number of people in the audience last night.  They were copies of Mark Brown's campaign flyers from the '05 election.  On this flyer, someone had written (in schoolteacher form) a big ol' F- at the top of the page.

Is it just me or that juvenile ???

Anyway, beside each of Mark's bullet points someone had scrawled the letter F and added their own comments as to why they think he deserved a "failing grade".

For instance, where it says "Mark Brown listens to the people" the unknown writer has scrawled "No Public Comments Allowed!"

Excuse me... There appear to be only 2 times when public comment is allowed in open meeting... during the "speakers from the floor" and the "PUBLIC HEARING" portions of the agenda. I'm very proud of Mark and my hero, Bill Hill for maintaining order and keeping the peanut gallery quiet so that the rest of us can hear what's going on.

And.... the unknown writer added bullet points of his/her own as well.  One states that "Brown is directing Town Planner to allow developer Paul Milam to write a PUD to re-zone THOUSANDS of acres in Summerfield"

Is that misleading or what???? This is the same kind of thing that went out before the last election.  It's starting again.

Even DC seemed to understand that this PUD ordinance did not necessarily mean that property WOULD be rezoned.  Milam wasn't asking for a rezoning.  He was asking for the opportunity to present ideas for affordable housing in Summerfield. Any rezonings would still have to go through the proper channels and could be denied.  No mention of thousands of acres ever came up. 

No specific property ever came up.  Remarkably, it seems that the Town Core people think that their property was going to be somehow affected by this PUD ordinance because they've all shown up for those portions of the meetings.  Wonder how they got that impression?

DC and BS have never said that they are against a PUD ordinance. They said that they just objected to the timing....

I THINK that an opportunity arose to skew the facts and accuse Mark of wrong doing and they opted to take that route instead of listening to what Milam had to say.

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 Posted: Oct 4th, 2006 12:34 pm
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Oh, No!  Another great town staffer gone!  Robin, we're sorry that you were misused, accused, and abused so badly that you had to leave.  Thanks for the good job you've done for us.  Perhaps in your next position you will find people who will work with you for the common good of the citizens you serve.

Baseball Buddy

Joined: Jun 7th, 2006
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 Posted: Oct 4th, 2006 12:45 pm
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Wake up!!!!!!!!

Must we lose all the good people? I am here to stay!

I will miss Robin. She was always so personal and friendly (a real person) Not one of these that ask "How are you" and not care. She cared if she asked. Let's not let this happen again. Good people are hard to find. So I say,

WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Joined: Oct 25th, 2005
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 Posted: Oct 4th, 2006 03:18 pm
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Hee hee! Good job on the flyer, Mom! Real classy!

Hey, Crackah, was it written in crayon by any chance?

Is this the CC vision fer Summerfield's future? Childish lies, baseless attacks on decent people, no plan for growth except denial? In other words, more of the same?

This kind of malicious an' spiteful stunt is not only insultin' to the person it's directed against, but it's a slap in the face to the good people o' Summerfield!

How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four; calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg.
--Abraham Lincoln

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 Posted: Oct 4th, 2006 05:56 pm
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If I may, I would like to reminisce for a moment..... I watched BS and DC (The Concerned Citizens) during the last election. I witnessed what was a TACKY and MISLEADING campaign with hurtful statements and nasty propaganda letters; they were mailed to me more than one time! They attacked good people's character and repetitions with these mass mailings of twisted truths and rude commits. The CC went to Town meetings and caused childhood disruptions displaying outbursts at inappropriate times, some even yelled explosively at the Council or Committee members to further degrade them and drive their point of no taxes, no services and no forward thinking into our minds. They continued to talk extensively after exceeding their time at the microphone causing our Mayor to ask several time to “please” be seated. They added disorder by offering loud laughing outbreaks during the meetings, paper waving… oh the “loud” paper waving and propaganda dispensing while people were trying to listen or talk, ETC> ECT<ECT… I could go on, but I won’t. All of this caused a flight of reporters to come to Summerfield and write about our town as if we were a side show carnival.

Now, I am seeing the same twisted vocabulary, spins and stalls again… frankly, I don’t believe they ever stopped. Their ways confuse the public, keep the town off balance and run off any and all good people that do not see life through their darkened grey lens…I find this offensive behavior and unproductive! Their position of “we want nothing” and the heck with anyone else that doesn’t see it my way, does not represent me. I would think a Councilman who cares about our community, quality of life and your views would look at all sides of an issue, and then make the best decision on a matter for the “whole” town, not just a few.

Please don’t let someone mislead you… Watch for yourself! Ask questions! Then VOTE!

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