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Starcatchr Member
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Posted: Sep 27th, 2006 02:22 am |
Once again one of our council members showed poor form in public by insulting our elected mayor and council, as well as citizens in attendance. I suspect that there are at least a few who could "understand" any point that this council member could make. Furthermore, they could, no doubt, conduct themselves in a manner befitting an elected official. This kind of behavior is egotistical and unacceptable.
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Posted: Sep 27th, 2006 02:44 am |
And embarassing to this town ( did I spell that right? Is there away to make spell check work on this forum? My spelling is awfull) Last edited on Sep 27th, 2006 02:44 am by DOGGETTJA
Baseball Buddy Member
Posted: Sep 27th, 2006 02:44 am |
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Hairbrush Member
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Posted: Sep 27th, 2006 12:03 pm |
I don't understand why BS was so concerned that the word elicit be used in the minutes. I, like Dena, had to look it up and the definition I found was "to bring or draw out; educe; to call forth, draw out or provoke". It seems that BS said doesn't it all come down to money and Paul said I don't disagree. I don't understand how that is catching him in a weak moment. It does all come down to money, but how is that catching Paul in a weak moment. The contempt she showed for him at the meeting was a disgrace. We are after all a town and should show respect to all our neighbors. Maybe if she came to a town social event (tree lighting, founders day, park opening) she might learn how to show respect to her neighbors. I sure hope the concerned citizens are proud of their representative.
FatPappy Member
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Posted: Sep 27th, 2006 12:50 pm |
Are we seeing a revival of McCarthy's way; automatically guilty because you've been accused?
Do those methods protect our values, or destroy them?
Maybe Bill Hill will give come up with some good advice.
By the way...people want the park to continue.
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macca Member
Posted: Sep 27th, 2006 02:39 pm |
I don't understand, since I don't usually make it to S'field meetings (maybe I need to make a point of attending, so I have a better understanding).... What are the other Council members doing while this woman is ranting? What does the mayor do? Isn't there some way to make her understand that SHE isn't Town Council and SHE can't just go off on people like this? Wouldn't your mayor remind people from the audience to show proper respect for their elected officials? Doesn't that go both ways -- shouldn't Council members show proper respect for each other and for the citizens they represent?
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Lacka Member
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Posted: Sep 27th, 2006 04:09 pm |
It is discouraging to see this quiet, friendly town deteriorating to the level of the county but it has. I hope this is temporary. I think there are more people in our town that know how to behave than not! I believe the town is growing and learning from their mistakes. I have certainly heard that people are now sorry that they did not vote. Funny thing I have not heard 1 person admit to voting for DC or BS .... You think those folks are embarrassed now?
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Lacka Member
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Posted: Sep 27th, 2006 04:18 pm |
Hairbrush wrote: Maybe if she came to a town social event (tree lighting, founders day, park opening) she might learn how to show respect to her neighbors.
HB, I think she came to the Park Opening..... didn't she? Wasn't that the event where she requested a parking space in the Handicapped area.
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Hairbrush Member
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Posted: Sep 27th, 2006 04:53 pm |
I am not sure she ever got out of her car and mingled with the people of Summerfield. I don't remember seeing her. If she didn't get out of her car, her lost. That was a great party!!! Yeah Park!!!!!
Cracker Jax Member
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Posted: Sep 27th, 2006 05:12 pm |
I saw her Hairbrush. She came near the end of the celebration. The volunteer parking attendant appeared to be creating a spot for her next to the community center, but while he was doing so she buckled up and left. (Hear that Steve?? Seatbelts!)
Anyway, she never got out of the car. Definitely her loss.
Yay Park!
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Lacka Member
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Posted: Sep 27th, 2006 05:23 pm |
Cracker, so what you are saying is that she came, but sat in the car?
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Lacka Member
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Posted: Sep 27th, 2006 05:26 pm |
Was she greeting citizens, handing out candy to the kids thru the car window, what? Surely the two of you are joking with me.
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StewartM Member
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Posted: Sep 27th, 2006 05:36 pm |
No joke Lacka.......
Lacka Member
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Posted: Sep 27th, 2006 05:45 pm |
Really? So she made a big deal about special parking and she did a drive by?
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Steve Adkins Member
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Posted: Sep 28th, 2006 12:35 am |
Lacka wrote: Really? So she made a big deal about special parking and she did a drive by?
NO, it was not a DRIVE BY. A DRIVE BY suggests one slowed down, took a hard look at the festivities, and saw what was taking place.
I personally witnessed Becky Strickland and her driver drive into the parking lot. They might have been in the drive for 1 minute maximum. All they were looking for was a VIP parking spot, which they weren't entitled to, and didn't exist. Therefore they backed out of the drive and drove away. Their loss. There were people in wheelchairs and crutches that made it down from the "bad back parking area", and didn't ask for VIP parking status.
I am appalled by Becky's behavior on the council (yeah Dwayne, I know you're reading this, so enjoy), degrading the good names of the other members who have served so faithfully. How unprofessional !!!!!
Thank heavens for the faithful and loyal service of Mark Brown, Dena Barnes, Bob Williams, and Carolyn Collins. Keep doing what you're doing please. Don't let this noise distract you from doing what's right for Summerfield.
Last edited on Sep 28th, 2006 12:49 am by Steve Adkins