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Summerfield Town Council
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Cracker Jax

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 Posted: Aug 2nd, 2006 03:58 pm
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I haven't written much about Dwayne's grandstanding tactics last night because my bottom jaw was still on the keyboard.

Here's what I got out of his rambling speech.  He is challenging us(parents of SRA kids) to give up our vacations and pay our $1200.00 (he'd done the math... # of kids playing vs. cost of ball fields) to buy the fields. I wonder how many checks were in the collection plate after the meeting? :D

Ok Dwayne.  Let me 'splain something to ya. We have already paid for the ball parks. We've paid with our taxes and the countless volunteer hours (that we did not turn in for reimbursement). You now want us to pay again?? I've heard it said that you don't want YOUR tax money to go to ball parks for MY kids to play on.  Tough turkey buddy. That's what taxes are all about.  My taxes go toward many things that I don't use but if it helps folks in our country who need it or enriches someone else's life I'm not gonna whine about it.

And FYI, Luckily a friend asked our family to go to the beach this year for vacation.  Spent exactly $0.00 on a vacation and that's what I put in the collection plate for ballfields.

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Cracker Jax

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 Posted: Aug 2nd, 2006 04:02 pm
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macca wrote: What is NIMS? (I'm just learning so much!):shock:

It stands for "National Incident Management System" I think Macca.

They train folks (government and private sector) on how to handle emergency situations.

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Cracker Jax

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 Posted: Aug 2nd, 2006 04:06 pm
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FatPappy wrote: BS didn't have a problem votin' to get her money! Even wanted to make sure it was retroactive to July! Gimme, gimme, gimme! Mine, mine, mine! We should get George to deliver her check in the new truck!

OH YEA!  I forgot about that!!!  I sure hope all of the town core disciples that she rounded up to come and hear Mr. Milam's speech heard her begging for last month's pay! 

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 Posted: Aug 2nd, 2006 04:20 pm
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Cracker Jax wrote:
macca wrote: What is NIMS? (I'm just learning so much!):shock:

It stands for "National Incident Management System" I think Macca.

They train folks (government and private sector) on how to handle emergency situations.

Thanks! I was thinking (based on what I've read/heard) that maybe it was "Not In My Summerfield." (Sorry!)

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 Posted: Aug 2nd, 2006 04:21 pm
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What was Mr. Milam's speech about?

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright
Cracker Jax

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 Posted: Aug 2nd, 2006 04:51 pm
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macca wrote: What was Mr. Milam's speech about?

He was proposing a PUD(Planned Unit Development) ordinance. All he wanted was for the council to consider something like this so that developers could build affordable housing in our area.  I'm not real good at this kind of thing (I hate zoning talk) but I think the PUD would allow for mixed use zoning... for instance, a parcel of land on 220 could have commercial zoning along the 220 road frontage and housing on the back portion of the property.

For some reason the town core people came out in droves so I am assuming that they were lied to about what Milam was presenting.  I am glad that they were there to see how their elected council members (and MOM) behave.  It's really embarassing. MOM came in at least an hour late started scraping chairs around and then proceeded to stand up and walk around passing out papers to the town core disciples while the council was trying to conduct business.


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 Posted: Aug 2nd, 2006 05:12 pm
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I wonder what "history book" Dwayne was repeatin' them "facts" from durin' the preamble to his ramblin' manefesto last night? I felt a presence I've not felt since...

Anyway, it's painful to watch him. He's an embarrasment. I wish he'd stop the madness. Get a grip, son! Take a vacation. Get outside.

How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four; calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg.
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Cracker Jax

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 Posted: Aug 2nd, 2006 06:56 pm
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FatPappy wrote: I wonder what "history book" Dwayne was repeatin' them "facts" from durin' the preamble to his ramblin' manefesto last night? I felt a presence I've not felt since...

Yea, he kept quoting a "mysterious source" who gave him inaccurate information about the SRA and their past expenditures and whatever... Didn't reallly follow all that except when he said his mysterious source must have been lying because there were several objections to his information.

I gotta give ol' Dwayne some credit for listening to us though... I think he had written out his speech beforehand. Now we just have to get him to edit out the ramblings and get to the point.

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Cracker Jax

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 Posted: Aug 2nd, 2006 07:02 pm
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I was proud of Robin Smith (town planner) last night.  She handled "Ms. Strickland" quite well and didn't let her feathers get ruffled by all of the BS attacks. I'm impressed by her knowledge of the issues and the "homework" she does before she comes in to a council meeting.

Her new hair color looked nice too! ;)

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 Posted: Aug 2nd, 2006 07:09 pm
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I know very little about the PUD's, and even less about Mr.Milam.

I do know that what I understood the main concern to be last night concerning this was that the timing is off....In that I mean the "topic" so to speak of PUD zoning should be considered only after the comprehensive plan has been completed.

From what I have read I think the PUD in theory is a semi OK idea. As a citizen, I would like to know exactly what is being built close to my property, what will it look like, how big, what type of parking, entrances, lighting and so on...And I think a PUD mandates these things and the builders must abide by them.

On the other hand, it also looks like Builders/developers like these because they are able to fully utilize the land to it's maximum potential., ie. build more homes on smaller size lots than the current zoning might allow. It allows builders to masterplan a large piece of land under one "umbrella" so to speak of a mixture of land uses., and receive one zoning permit.

This, I am afraid, in turn is another way to bring in more and more development.,both residential and commercial.,by allowing this mix land use which would normally be segregated by traditional  zoning districts. In doing so the developers work around the current zoning restrictions such as lot size,density,frontage and set back requirements...and this should be a concern for all.

I guess any time I hear someone, especially a developer, trying to change the current zoning I perk up. I have a problem with the "I'm not asking for anything" approach, ie. "tanstaafl" theory at work.

Now back to the begining. Although I do think it could have been said in a much better tone , Summerfield really needs to put the folks attention to an overall Comprehensive plan that works. I have witnessed many re zonings that made little since to the overall good of the community, or at least the way I see it. I may not like the outcome of the comprehensive plan, but in the least folks will have the opportunity to have some input and the zonings should be more consistent....Therefore I do not think now is the time to have our officials spending time trying to develop the PUD zoning, especially when there is work to be done on the comprehesive plan.

I do wish that all members of the council could all at least talk to each other and the public with a little more respect . I think it is good that we have a diverse group when it come to opinions, as it would not be to anyones advantage if everyone thought the same way. Many times I think DC has ideas that are O.K. he just lacks the ability to express his ideas in a manner that makes sense., or without offending someone.





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 Posted: Aug 2nd, 2006 07:50 pm
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I do think it will be nice to have a comprehensive plan, but it won't it just be a guide to help the town write ordinance that might have a little more backbone?  In that manner I don't think that discussing the PUD would be such a bad idea, but I do think the rudeness it was handled with was uncalled for. 

I am excited about the comprehensive plan because I do think it will give Summerfield a better idea about what kind of development goes where.  I too have been confused at times on why some re-zoning goes through but others do not when they seem pretty similar to me. 

On another note did I understand that the papers that MOM was passing out contained information on campaign money.  I wonder if it had MOM's information on it and where she decided to put her money, not that I don't already have a pretty good idea of where it went. 


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 Posted: Aug 2nd, 2006 10:32 pm
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I'd be more afraid o' the poison Mom an' her crowd are sellin' than what Mr Milam is sellin'.

I say let's hear what he has to say, as long as it don't distract from the work on the Comprehensive Plan.

Last edited on Aug 2nd, 2006 11:20 pm by FatPappy

How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four; calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg.
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 Posted: Aug 6th, 2006 02:45 pm
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I heard from some people there that the papers that were passed out were campaign contribution forms. Evidently Paul Milam had given some money to Mark Brown's campaign for mayor. The form came from the board of election and there was nothing illegal or hidden about it.

I don't know what difference this makes because Mark Brown can't vote on any issues that came up in front of the town council. I think people runing for council always need to be careful who they accept money from because it might come back to bite them, but don't see that it makes any difference here since the mayor can no longer vote.


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 Posted: Aug 6th, 2006 03:10 pm
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I agree, Zippity. As long as it's legal an' out in the open, I don't see a problem. Mark Brown is about as honest as they come anyway. I'd just as soon see that whole political contribution system done away with anyway fer all the problems it causes.

That's how the Concerned Citizens brew their poison. Seasoned with just enough facts to make it seem palatable, then they stir it up with innuendo an' lies an' manage to get some people to swaller it. Notice they usually target people who are already upset about somethin' an' lookin' fer somebody to blame an' are therefore more inclined to swaller somethin' to make 'em feel better.

How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four; calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg.
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S. Smith

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 Posted: Aug 6th, 2006 03:12 pm
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happycamper wrote: I know very little about the PUD's, and even less about Mr.Milam.

I do know that what I understood the main concern to be last night concerning this was that the timing is off....In that I mean the "topic" so to speak of PUD zoning should be considered only after the comprehensive plan has been completed.

From what I have read I think the PUD in theory is a semi OK idea. As a citizen, I would like to know exactly what is being built close to my property, what will it look like, how big, what type of parking, entrances, lighting and so on...And I think a PUD mandates these things and the builders must abide by them.

On the other hand, it also looks like Builders/developers like these because they are able to fully utilize the land to it's maximum potential., ie. build more homes on smaller size lots than the current zoning might allow. It allows builders to masterplan a large piece of land under one "umbrella" so to speak of a mixture of land uses., and receive one zoning permit.

This, I am afraid, in turn is another way to bring in more and more development.,both residential and commercial.,by allowing this mix land use which would normally be segregated by traditional  zoning districts. In doing so the developers work around the current zoning restrictions such as lot size,density,frontage and set back requirements...and this should be a concern for all.

I guess any time I hear someone, especially a developer, trying to change the current zoning I perk up. I have a problem with the "I'm not asking for anything" approach, ie. "tanstaafl" theory at work.

Now back to the begining. Although I do think it could have been said in a much better tone , Summerfield really needs to put the folks attention to an overall Comprehensive plan that works. I have witnessed many re zonings that made little since to the overall good of the community, or at least the way I see it. I may not like the outcome of the comprehensive plan, but in the least folks will have the opportunity to have some input and the zonings should be more consistent....Therefore I do not think now is the time to have our officials spending time trying to develop the PUD zoning, especially when there is work to be done on the comprehesive plan.

I do wish that all members of the council could all at least talk to each other and the public with a little more respect . I think it is good that we have a diverse group when it come to opinions, as it would not be to anyones advantage if everyone thought the same way. Many times I think DC has ideas that are O.K. he just lacks the ability to express his ideas in a manner that makes sense., or without offending someone.

I think happycamper has made some really good observations here. I don't disagree with a PUD zoning. It would require developers to be more specific about what they would put on a property. Guilford County has such a zoning. I don't know about Oak Ridge, but I know Stokesdale does and their council recently passed one of these developments. As the town planner said, this is the future of zoning. Of course, Summerfield could tailor their ordinance to allow whatever they want. In addition, the council always has the ability to not pass a rezoning.

I also understand the concern about timing. I personally don't have a problem with a developer, along with a committee of citizens (preferably from diverse backgrounds, not just a bunch of developers), putting together a draft ordinance. Isn't this kind of what the town core committee was trying to do? I would not want to tie up the time of staff being involved in this, simply because I don't think they have the time to give.

But I agree that the ordinance shouldn't be adopted prior to the comprehensive plan being done. In other words, the group could craft a draft ordinance, but it would just sit there until it was tied in with the comprehensive plan. Yes, this committee would run the risk of the comprehensive plan saying this is not compatible with where the town wants to go, and so there is the possibility that their time might just be wasted.

happycamper is right -- diversity of opinions is always good. It is also good to remember to express your ideas in a respectful way, even if you disagree. That concept has somehow escaped our county commissioners and has plagued that board for a long time. Loss of respect from much of their constituency has been the end result.

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