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Northwest Observer Forums > Schools > Northern Middle & High School > Summerfield Elementary open house cop-out

Summerfield Elementary open house cop-out
 Moderated by: Steve Adkins  
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Joined: Aug 20th, 2007
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 Posted: Aug 20th, 2007 06:17 am
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What is going on at Summerfield Elementary?  This is the only school in the area that is having their open house the EVENING before the children begin school. Also,  the children will not learn whom they have as a teacher until the same night!

Do they plan on posting the class assignments on the doors of the school during open house?  With roughly 700 students, thats alot of parents clamouring toward the doors to learn what classroom to go to.  They have always sent a letter out to each student with their teacher assignments and a welcoming note from the teacher along with their specific supply list.  This was a graceful and stress free way for the child to begin the new year.

This must be a duck and cover approach to get it over with quickly.  Our children deserve better.

This stinks!


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 Posted: Aug 21st, 2007 01:14 pm
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Well, once the school year gets started and the students settle into their classes, the manner in which the open house was handled will only be a small bump in the road.

But, I wholeheartedly agree that the old way was much better. It will be a hassle for those who can attend next week, and even more of a hassle for those who are unable to attend. If a family cannot make it on Monday night, how will the kids know where to go on the first morning? There will be a lot of parents driving to the school on Tuesday, parking, and trying to help their kids find the right classroom.

More than anything, I'm just curious as to why it is being done this way? How difficult is it for a school to send out the letter with the class assignment? Was it a money issue (saving the cost of the mailings), disorganization, something else?


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 Posted: Aug 21st, 2007 02:42 pm
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Is there any prohibition on visiting the school this week during regular hours in lieu of attending open house?


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 Posted: Aug 21st, 2007 03:29 pm
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Yes, I believe they are CLAIMING it is to save on postage.  However, this still does not explain why it is the eveining before school and also why they are not posting class assignments on the doors a week or 4 days before school starts.  I have seen this done and I would fine with it.  Each family can just drive up to school and see who they have at their convenience.

Several parents are saying the principal does not want any phone calls from parents with issues about their assignments.  I understand the phone calls would be tiresome but its one of those things a principal must endure or have a creative solution to.  This is not a creative solution but a cop out.

It is not in the best interest of children to show up the night before school not knowing who they have as a teacher. What about the children and parents who can not make it to open house?  Also all teachers have their specific supply lists.  The general supply list that is posted is just that, general.  Each teacher will be passsing out their list on open house.  My child certainly will be going to school ill prepared as will many others.

I for one want to tell my child who they have, where they will be going and have them be comfortable with their knowledge.  What about the children who cant make it to open house?  Talk about a stressful morning.  I would bet on some tears and stomach aches the first day of school.

This is just so unnecessary.  They waste paper and postage on all kinds of nonsense at school certainly they can bite the bullet on postage for something important like this


Delane W.

Joined: Oct 27th, 2005
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 Posted: Aug 21st, 2007 09:26 pm
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 I was looking at the open house schedule on the GCS website and noticed that Summerfield is not the only local school with open house on Monday and not getting their classroom assignments until that night --  the new Northern Elementary is having their Laughlin open house on Sunday (just like K - 2 Summerfield) and their Reedy Fork open house on Monday (like Summerfield 3 - 5).  Their website states they will not mail teacher assignment letters to the homes due to the cost of postage and that they will be posted at open house.  I do not have elementary children (have 1 middle & 1 high school) but from past experience I know that this is not fair to the children or parents.  Contact the GCS office and your school board and let them know how you feel and tell them you pay enough taxes to cover postage to mail you child's schedule.

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