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Much Ado About Nothing
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Joined: Oct 9th, 2005
Location: Heartland, Kansas USA
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 Posted: Jan 6th, 2006 03:21 am

CRACKAH -- We KNOW you're gonna do something SPECTACULAR..... We're waiting......TA DA!

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright
Cracker Jax

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 Posted: Jan 6th, 2006 03:26 am

Crackah's 500th Post!

            Crackah               Macca          


(IF shem passes the penguin test!)

Just couldn't come up with something better!

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Cracker Jax

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 Posted: Jan 6th, 2006 03:28 am

It's too dang late to be spectacular macca!

I think it was more like


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Cracker Jax

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 Posted: Jan 6th, 2006 03:34 am

Just got wind of some late breaking but VERY INTERESTING "SERIOUS" Folderol... gotta scoot over to the CC forum for a bit....


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Cracker Jax

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 Posted: Jan 6th, 2006 04:32 am

Ok ya'll it seems that I am the only one who waited with much anticipation for the end of ORANGE day! 


Just no fun celebratin' by yourself....

I have posted some goodies for you to mull over with your morning coffee on the CC, TC, and Substation forum (Hereafter referred to as SS forum). Enjoy!

Steve... this is a prime example of those twains meeting (Not Pappy's Twain... Kipling's twain).... That Trevarrow tidbit... couldn't really decide where to post it....TC or CC... I just figured since I was gonna use the term NASTY in the same sentence with She-Haw's name, I'd post it on the CC forum....

Puttin' it to bed now... nitey nite all!!!

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 Posted: Jan 6th, 2006 11:08 am

Crackah, Sorry I couldn't stay up to see your 500th, but wanted you to know I feel HONORED to be included!


A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright

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 Posted: Jan 6th, 2006 11:16 am

Crackah, WOW! Thanks for all the info! I guess I need to pay closer attention and attend some of those meetings myself .... Maybe I could be one of Jane's escorts next time, but I think we all might need more than a wet suit to protect ourselves from the CC fallout!


Last edited on Jan 6th, 2006 12:27 pm by macca

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright
Cracker Jax

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 Posted: Jan 6th, 2006 12:12 pm

I did not mean to imply that I attended the council meeting macca.... Might have, might not have...Can't say...

Don't like to say unless there was like a crowd of say .... a bajillion!!! 

You see, If there was a meeting of say 10 folks, deduction and assumptions could be made as to the identity of Crackah OR someone might assume that my name is DEBBIE and this poor DEBBIE person would be not so popular cause the Crackah sometimes misbehaves!

The Crackah might have attended,might not have, might have been doing some research for the forum, or might have just been treating shemself to some much needed R&R!

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 Posted: Jan 6th, 2006 12:14 pm
Bubba can't play today, I went with a friend to another forum and got REALLY sick!!!

Cracker Jax

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 Posted: Jan 6th, 2006 12:16 pm

Oh yea macca, CONGRATS on your 200th POST!!!!

I am sorry that you got sleepy and that it took me so long to find those penguins... I had so much SERIOUS stuff in my head that I needed to post that I couldn't think of a thing to do to celebrate my 500th!

Either way it was a monumental evening....macca's 200th, Crackah's 500th, and thankfully, the end of Orange day!

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Cracker Jax

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 Posted: Jan 6th, 2006 12:17 pm

Sorry Bubba... Just the facts Jack....

Hope to see you later today!

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Cracker Jax

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 Posted: Jan 6th, 2006 12:34 pm

Oh, and I see that I left the "S" off of deductions a couple of posts back, but it won't let me edit.....So when you read it, go ahead and insert that "S" for me k?

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Cracker Jax

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 Posted: Jan 6th, 2006 12:39 pm

Was just reading back about Jane's new scuba diving outfit....

Jane, when you wear those great big old flippers to Council, please choose carefully who you sit beside.  Crossing and uncrossing your legs could be very, I mean Dangerous!

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Cracker Jax

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 Posted: Jan 6th, 2006 12:50 pm

Fabio uh, I mean Fabulous Pappy!

Now about Jane's "Town Council Emeritus" Button..........

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Cracker Jax

Joined: Oct 23rd, 2005
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 Posted: Jan 6th, 2006 01:05 pm

Forgot one thing....

The Word of the Day for January 6 is:

tin-pot   \TIN-POT\    adjective
     : two-bit, small-time

Crackah's Example sentence:
     After the November election, the residents of Summerfield were at the mercy of two tin-pot councilmembers who often pay lip service to these same citizens to give their regimes an aura of legitimacy.

Did you know?
     Tin has never commanded as much respect as some other metals. As a reflection of this, its name has long been used in terms denoting the tawdry or petty. "Tin-pot" has been used for minor or insignificant things or people since the early 1800s. "Tinhorn" has named fakes or frauds (especially gamblers) since the 1880s, and "tin lizzie" has been a nickname for an inexpensive car since Ford introduced the Model T. Another example is "tin pan" (as in "Tin Pan Alley"), which referred to the tinny sound of pianos pounded furiously by musicians plugging tunes to producers.

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